Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

Why Anna Nicole’s daughter has my eyes

I expect I’ll be raked over the coals by the cable news networks as a sleazy, money-grubbing opportunist, but it ..

Super bore commercials

The only thing more predictable than the pre-game hype over the Super Bowl is the post-game hype about which commercials ..

A wail on two cities

There was a charge for $29.32 from a company I didn’t recognize (FFCo) on my charge-card bill. What is FFCo? ..

Watch my purse while I’m in the men’s room

Last year, I watched the Counter Terrorism Unit’s agent extraordinaire, Jack Bauer, on the hit show “24” shoot, punch, ram, ..

Indigo child has me seeing red

There was a huge crash from the living room. A second later, New Hampshire skated through the kitchen on his ..

Life’s a gamble

I just got back from a long weekend in Las Vegas. Everybody says one of two things. First, “You didn’t ..

Dance, dance persecution

I cannot dance. No way, no how. You’ve heard of the tone deaf? I am dance deaf. It takes all ..

Harry Potter and the Publicist’s Dream

The earth-shattering news flashed around the world last week – I’m sure you saw it. At last we know the ..

America’s ... home videos

For 45 minutes, the camera never moved. I sat behind Video Mom in the community college field house as she ..

The year in review, review

Soon, if they haven’t already, the networks will start blasting us with cheaply produced year-end specials (full of footage already ..

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Hair today, gone tomorrow

You Are What You Watch
You are what you watch

The Male And Email Of The Species
The male and email of the species

Let The Grandparenting Begin
Let the grandparenting begin

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Bam! Practical Kitchen Magic
Bam! Practical kitchen magic

On With The Show – Half Of It, At Least
On with the show – half of it, at least

The Envelope, Please!
The envelope, please!

Heaven Is Only Nine Holes Away
Heaven is only nine holes away

When Restrooms Attack (if Available At All)
When restrooms attack (if available at all)