Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

We live in a Banana Republic

Welcome to Chiquita-ville. We are more and more living in a banana republic. And for younger readers, I don’t mean ..

Media, debates and the economy

A few thoughts on the campaign for the White House. By now, millions are lusting for the debates. My guess is ..

Paying to play

Disturbing emails these were. They were among the thousands recently divulged by villainous WikiLeaks. The emails were between the top finance ..

What the conventions are really about

Assorted thoughts on our political conventions: First, these are not really political conventions. These are get-togethers for media and security folks. ..

Let’s look to the future

Racial matters. They rouse the nation once more. In Dallas the President spoke yet again about the issues. You may feel ..

Different laws for different people

Random thoughts on the Hillary email scandal: Imagine if you could suck all the political gas from this. You would be ..

Who are politicans really serving?

Wha’ happened? Did earthquakes churn Europe into rubble? Did The Plague descend upon Britain? Did skyscrapers topple? Did the ..

Congress in contempt

Can we discuss contempt today? Contempt for you. Many of us complain that our congress people are elitist. That they ..

Unbalanced justice in America

Let’s hear it for Sam and Martha. You see a lot in the news lately about people who break the law ..

Being informed takes work

Do you feel you are well-informed about what is going on in the country? If you answer yes, you probably ..

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Don’t Confuse Me With Facts
Don’t confuse me with facts

A Question For You
A question for you

Missing Leadership?
Missing leadership?

Does Anyone In Washington Pay Attention?
Does anyone In Washington pay attention?

Singing Praises To Failure
Singing praises to failure

Presidential Communication
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Are We Getting Carried Away?
Are we getting carried away?

Through New Lenses
Through new lenses

Unbelievable Efficiencies
Unbelievable efficiencies