Josh Sheldon 's Recent Stories

Heightened expectations create larger letdowns

In life it’s good to think big, but if you expect it, you may be disappointed. Being realistic and only ..

Sitting on the fringe

There are many sayings in life that have multiple meanings. It’s not often that more than one is still a ..

Pinch time planners

When it comes to deer hunting, the more time spent in the woods, the better your chances of harvesting one. ..

You already pushed your luck, now don’t push that deer

Last week’s column was about knowing your limitations as a hunter. Pushing those limits can really blow up in your ..

All Gilligan, No Skipper

If you have hunted, fished or spent time outdoors long enough, you probably have had a few wild goose chases ..

What’s in a name

A name can be something special or mundane sometimes, depending on its origin. Beyond letters and words, names carry a ..

Outdoor column: Take a gander at that

It’s that time of year again and I couldn’t be much more excited. This coming month is one of my ..

Dinner and drinks at The Gravel Bar and Grill

Anyone who has had a child knows how little free time you have as a couple, especially the first months ..

You should get into hairy situations on the river

Most rivers have monsters lurking around almost every bend. I say, get a bit hairy and go toe to toe ..

The five million dollar question

I have spent most of my life studying and reproducing the tools and implements of survival attributed to native people ..

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Parents need to teach by example

Grab Your Kids And Poles, It’s Time To Fish
Grab your kids and poles, it’s time to fish

Paying It Forward:  The Outdoorsman’s Gift Of Giving
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Take Me Fishin' Youth Clinic Follow Up
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Happy Daddy Day To Me
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Low Tide Trout Can Be Tough
Low tide trout can be tough

Everyone Pack Your Gear, It’s Camping Season
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Don’t Fear The Float
Don’t fear the float