Shelly Reuben 's Recent Stories

Interview with Shelly Reuben about her new book

EVENING SUN: Can you tell our readers what to expect? SHELLY REUBEN: Yes. Happily. On successive Fridays, ..

Another modest proposal

In 1729, forty-seven years before the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, Jonathan Swift – the same Swift who ..

Picnic à la February

I want to invite you to a picnic. It will take place on a cliff overlooking an ocean so ..

My friend Jackie

I want to tell you about my friend Jackie. For a long time, she has been a steadfast colleague. ..

The Avon Lady

As kids, Danny and I used to place bets on when Ada’s hairpiece would fall off. At dinner, it ..

The Avon Lady, Part two

Editor's Note: This is continued from The Avon Lady, also published in today's online edition. This should explain why, when ..

Knock Out Drops - Revisited

Adapted from an earlier version of this column published in 2007 I had a tremendous advantage when I was growing up. ..

A crime in rhyme

Ideas breed like bunnies, and There really are a lot From which to pick as I prepare An outline for my plot: A big ..


So there we were. Four friends: Margaret, twenty-one; her sister Justine, twenty-five; and their mother Pegeen, eternally young ..

Mr. Pearlbott

He was a short, slight man in his mid-fifties with a pleasant face and thinning hair. His last name ..

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