Shelly Reuben 's Recent Stories

The Poppy and the Kiss

It was the first Memorial Day parade that I’d gone to since my husband died. He, Warren, had been a soldier ..

Who Knew?

I have two secret vices, and I love to be caught out on both. The first concerns driving. When I am ..

Idle Musings about Simple Genius

So imagine yourself with a sloped forehead, a hairy body, and stubby toes. You are sitting outside a cave in ..

Tilting at Windmills: Mouse in the House ... Eek!!!

I once was calm and elegant, A credit to my sex. With nothing to disturb my poise … To bother or perplex. I baked; ..

Red Lipstick and Cufflinks: Mac Conner at the Delaware Art Museum

I just meandered through an exhibition of Mac Conner’s paintings at the Delaware Art Museum, and I am joyfully agog. Most ..

My Mostly Happy Life: Autobiography of a Climbing Tree - Chapter 10: Interrupted Interment

We watched as Jarvis Larchmont strode toward Meg, who was digging in the dirt. Although none of us liked him, we ..

My Mostly Happy Life: Autobiography of a Climbing Tree - Chapter 8

Meg’s parents despaired at their daughter’s despair. Even Meg’s father Arthur, who had liked dogs more than birds until ..

My Mostly Happy Life: Autobiography of a Climbing Tree

My Mostly Happy Life: Autobiography of a Climbing Tree By Shelly Reuben Chapter 6 – Ethan’s Best Friend Now I have to ..

My Mostly Happy Life: Autobiography of a Climbing Tree Chapter 1 - Young Samuel Swerling

Trees get to know a lot of people. The longer we live, the more people we know. And the ..

Interview with Shelly Reuben about her new book

EVENING SUN: Can you tell our readers what to expect? SHELLY REUBEN: Yes. Happily. On successive Fridays, ..

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Tilting at Windmills: Uncle Jack’s Favorite - Encore

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Where’s the On-Off Switch?

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Tilting at Windmills: The GPS Murder – Chapter 2

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Tilting at Windmills: A.I., Isaac Asimov, and the Laws of Robotics

Tilting At Windmills: Sandwiches: A Love Story - Encore
Tilting at Windmills: Sandwiches: A Love Story - Encore

Tilting At Windmills: My Father’s Books - Encore
Tilting At Windmills: My Father’s Books - Encore

Romance (sigh) At The Movies
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100 Voices: An Oral History of Ayn Rand

TILTING AT WINDMILLS:  A Tale Of Two Friendships: Houdini And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – ENCORE
TILTING AT WINDMILLS: A tale of two friendships: Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – ENCORE