Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

The Roman Weslowski Bulletin Board

The ghost of Roman Weslowski took a few bows the last few weeks. Roman owned the supermarket I worked in ..

Get out of the way

“Now wait a minute, lady.” This was the man who delivered the commentary. When I recently toured the parts of New ..

Gobbled up!

Price gougers! Conspiracy! Crisis! In January they were charging just $2.10. By the end of October they were gouging us for ..

Veterans’ Day evokes powerful memories

Veterans’ Day stirs up three memories: A boy tugs open a dresser drawer to talk to his dad. A man ..

A speck of an island

Looking out at the sea from the shores of a speck of an island (St. Eustatius) in the Caribbean, I ..

And that is no fairy tale ...

When you hear the economy created 150,000 new jobs in a month you hear a fairy tale. Once upon a ..

The advertisers’ referee

You have seen film clips of football games from the 30’s. Can you imagine one of those games - at ..

There’s a pattern Mrs. Shook!

People who lay awake with worries about running out of oil, or gas at $5 a gallon or somesuch bring ..

Consider the source

“Consider the source.” If my grandmother was alive. And I told her about the shenanigins that went on at the UN ..

Off With His Head!

So now the Pope has to apologize. To savages. I hope he knows the Latin for “Stuff it in your ear, ..

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Predicting destiny from our DNA

Missing Leadership?
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The Age Of Uncertainty
The Age Of Uncertainty

Simplistic Lenses
Simplistic lenses

The Annual Head In The Sand Award
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Why Such Resistance?
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The Medicine We Will Be Denied
The medicine we will be denied

One Sentence
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Shonuffity To Dollar Coins
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Big Brother
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