Eric Davis 's Recent Stories

Outdoor Chenango: It's Almost Over

The late archery and muzzleloader season ends in less than a week on Tuesday the 20. Then it reopens for ..

Outdoor Chenango: Last Ditch Efforts

The upcoming Sunday, December 11th, is the final day of the regular firearms season for white-tailed deer here in the ..

Outdoor Chenango: Is Opening Day the Best?

When you talk to bowhunters about their best days to be in the woods, you often get a couple of ..

Outdoor Chenango: Gun season deer hunting

While it has only been gun season for under a week, the deer themselves are going into their post-rut phase. ..

Opening day is Saturday

This Saturday is opening day for the regular firearms season for white-tailed deer here in the Southern Zone. It is ..

Outdoor Chenango: The moment of truth and the aftermath

After months of preparation, working hard to put in a food plot or checking trail cameras to locate your target ..

Outdoor Chenango: The Transition

The first two weeks of November are arguably the best two weeks of deer hunting (with late October being in ..

Outdoor Chenango: Wild Game Handling

No matter what type of wild game you pursue, proper handling following your harvest can make the difference between excellent ..

Outdoor Chenango: Scent or no scent?

There are a few schools of thought when it comes to scent and deer hunting, with some of those thought ..

Outdoor Chenango: One Bad Apple

A large goal of some non-for-profit conservation organizations has been to enhance public lands through management activities and to increase ..

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Outdoor Chenango: The Do’s And Don’ts Of Blood Tracking Deer
Outdoor Chenango: The do’s and don’ts of blood tracking deer

Outdoor Chenango: Last Ditch Efforts
Outdoor Chenango: Last Ditch Efforts

Outdoor Chenango: Wild Game Handling
Outdoor Chenango: Wild Game Handling

Outdoor Chenango: Staying Dry In The Water
Outdoor Chenango: Staying dry in the water

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Outdoor Chenango: Harmful Algae Blooms

Outdoor Chenango: Going Old School
Outdoor Chenango: Going old school

Outdoor Chenango: Scent Or No Scent?
Outdoor Chenango: Scent or no scent?

Doing All The Rights Things Can Still Go Wrong
Doing all the rights things can still go wrong

The Moment Of Truth And The Aftermath
The moment of truth and the aftermath

Outdoor Chenango: One Bad Apple
Outdoor Chenango: One Bad Apple