Eric Davis 's Recent Stories

Outdoor Chenango: Kayak Fishing

Fishing from a kayak is totally different than fishing from a boat, which can be good and bad. Kayaks rely ..

Outdoor Chenango: Summer kills: Water with no oxygen

With things so dry and many local water bodies visibly below their usual water levels, the likelihood of summer kills ..

Outdoor Chenango: Late summer largemouth bass

If you haven’t seen it, the New York state record largemouth bass was recently caught on Cayuga Lake. The fisherman ..

Outdoor Chenango: Preparing your traps

October 25 marks the first day you can set traps to catch some species of furbearers in New York. It ..

Outdoor Chenango: Picking the right tools for the job

The season for keeping largemouth and smallmouth bass has opened across the majority of New York. This means the beginning ..

Outdoor Chenango: Gaining permission to hunt from property owners

When it comes to finding a place to hunt, one of the more daunting tasks is to ask a landowner ..

Outdoor Chenango: The Versatility of the stickbait

When I was in high school, I became friends with a classmate and his brothers who were all hardcore bass ..

Outdoor Chenango: Exploring the Black Hills

After our day of traveling and turkey hunting, we headed into town to get checked in to the Airbnb but ..

Outdoor Chenango: Exploring the Black Hills

Last week, you may have noticed that the Outdoor Chenango column was missing from Wednesday’s newspaper. Its absence was due ..

Outdoor Chenango: Respooling your fishing reels

Today is not only the beginning of turkey season, it also is opening day for walleye, pike, muskellunge, and pickerel ..

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