Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

The soul of our country

NEA Columnists Donald Trump made this promise on the campaign trail: "I'm not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican, ..

The lessons veterans teach

Bob Michel, who died last week at 93, was elected to Congress from his hometown of Peoria, Illinois in 1956 ..

Reality is winning

Donald Trump has declared war on reality. And reality is winning. He campaigned as a self-anointed Emperor of Information, advancing his ..

The value of emotional intelligence

Donald Trump is a legitimate president. Sure, there are many questions about the way the election was conducted last fall, ..

The Democrats’ blame game

Bill Clinton was an elector from New York this year. After voting for his wife, Hillary, on Monday, he explained ..

Trump’s war on facts

Donald Trump's warped war on facts continues. The Central Intelligence Agency has concluded with "high confidence" that Russia tried to influence ..

Undone by untruths

As president, Donald Trump could be undone by untruths. He ran a successful campaign laced with lies, but he cannot ..

Less agonizing, more organizing

Where was all this passion during the campaign? Now, opponents of Donald Trump are incensed and outraged. Students are walking out ..

The American Way

Protesters have every right to wave signs proclaiming that Donald Trump is "Not My President" (although their credibility is compromised ..

Governing is much harder than winning

America is so deeply divided today that voters backing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton don't just live on different continents ..

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