30 Seconds

30 Seconds is The Evening Sun's reader reaction column. To submit your thoughts for the online edition fill out the form below. Online submissions will appear as soon as they are reviewed.

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Man or Woman

Jul 26th, 2024

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30 seconds is now shut down for the evening.

- 30sec Moderator

3 0

It's become more obvious by the day that MAGA not only doesn't mean what they think they stand for bit they also don't know the difference between a porpoise & a dolphin, a Buffalo & a Bison, an American & a U.S. Citizen, an ethnic group & a Color, a Patriot & a Criminal, a Man of Honor & a total Clown. When tramp** said he "loves" the uneducated, he actually knew who to pick as his supporters!
- Man from Norwich

1 0

We don't have a street sweeper. We don't have a working pool. We also haven't seen a single street being paved this year. We need a Mayor that looks out for Norwich.
- Man from Norwich

4 1

tramp** says a lot of things/later backs away from/nobody holds him accountable. He said he'd have a replacement for Obamacare “in two weeks.” Never happened. He said if he lost the 2020 election to Biden, he'd leave America. Never happened. When challenged to debates earlier this year, he said “Any time, any place.” Now he wants to AVOID debating Kamala. Time after time, tramp**/says whatever is on his diseased, demented mind, and the press fails to question it.
- TheTrampLies

1 1

For the love of God, GO OUTSIDE!!
- Man from Norwich

1 6

I had a good friend that was a childless cat lady and like VP Hamas she would not have made a good president too
- Man from Norwich

2 4

"Chemical castration should be legalized. Because the men who are making terrible life choices, terrible choices in partners, don't use contraception. They shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get a vasectomy . They should be mandated to have the vasectomy. Because they would make a terrible father anyway." I completely agree with you LP25WIIB (so I can save words) these men you talk of SHOULD be castrated. Literal drain on society, just like the women that adore them.

1 4

There's no mystery to what "defund the police" meant or created. It meant taking funds away from law enforcement which resulted in less law enforcement. Combined with Dem prosecutors who refuse to indict and incarcerate.....and now you can walk around saying that Crime is at an all time low. Meanwhile our cities burn agitator and bad actors fill the void. "Hamas is Coming" I believe was spray painted this weekend in our Nation's Capitol.... and no charges anno7nced today.
- Man from Norwich

5 0

The back tracking on JD VANCE sort of reminds me if the election of 2008: to me McCain was a strong candidate and a likel "sho-in" for election, but he made a major mistake in choosing Palin as his running mate. To this day, I firmly believe that Sarah cost him the election and Vance may very well do the same for trump.
- Man from Norwich

1 3

I see Trump derangement syndrome is still in full effect here on 30 seconds! That's awesome! Can't wait for November. Liberal meltdowns will be many!
- Man from Norwich

3 1

I overheard someone speaking today about the fact that Black women, White women and Hispanic women appear to be in agreement about their support for Kamala Harris; This statement made me curious so I approached him and asked him: By the way, what COLOR is Hispanic? He seemed perplexed, turned red, said nothing and left hurriedly. But I am still curious; What color is Hispanic???
- TheTrampLies

0 4

Trump rally bullet trajectory analysis contradicts FBI 'shrapnel' testimony on Capitol Hill: report https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-rally-bullet-trajectory-analysis-contradicts-fbi-shrapnel-testimony-on-capitol-hill-report/ar-BB1qGF2w?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=c7d0937789a841a2a90caaccc932653b&ei=173
- Man from Norwich

0 3

Trump rally bullet trajectory analysis contradicts FBI 'shrapnel' testimony on Capitol Hill: report https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-rally-bullet-trajectory-analysis-contradicts-fbi-shrapnel-testimony-on-capitol-hill-report/ar-BB1qGF2w?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=c7d0937789a841a2a90caaccc932653b&ei=34
- Man from Norwich

4 1

"It's obvious you have no idea what was meant by defunding the police" She praised the 'defund the police' movement and then 180'd only two months later when she received the vice-presidential nominee. Straight from CNN "After June 2020, Harris rarely if at all mentioned the “defund the police” movement. The Biden campaign later tried to clarify after adding her to the ticket that she supported funding the police." In conclusion jack, you have no idea either.

1 0

Motorcycles are no louder the the kids with rice rocket cars with loud exhaust or the rednecks with their big lifted trucks with loud exhausts. They think if it's loud everyone is impressed because they have lots of horsepower. Been around muscle cars, street rods and those who build motors with real horsepower. Don't want to burst your bubble kids but loud does not make horsepower. Only difference between men and the boys, is the price of their toys.
- Woman from Norwich

3 1

Re:"I love you Don i think about you day and night - Man from Norwich" I would have thought that you women would have enough self respect NOT to chase after a married man; Guess I was wrong about how desperate you women can be!
- TheTrampLies

5 1

"Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in June 2020 radio interview.......CNN Headline." It's obvious you have no idea what was meant by defunding the police and that's unfortunate. It was all about good intentions that were poorly labeled.
- jumping jack

2 1

Roll Call: "FactCheck updates how the US has performed under Biden" https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/factcheck-updates-how-the-us-has-performed-under-biden/ar-BB1qGQdb?ocid=winp2fptaskbar&cvid=3e28571ef1b34d79b831b7a55c3d81a7&ei=33
- Man from Norwich

4 0

"Woman from Lincklaen"- You ain't too good at presenting meaningful disparagements. JSYK
- Man from Norwich

5 1

WfL you do realize you are comparing Kamala's speaking ability to that of Don (mumbles, jumbles grumbles) Tramp**,; don't you? The guy that can't complete a full sentence without going off the deep end. He's not even able to produce school records that back up his claims and acts as if English is not his first language.
- Man from Norwich

4 3

Chemical castration should be legalized. Because the men who are making terrible life choices, terrible choices in partners, don't use contraception. They shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get a vasectomy . They should be mandated to have the vasectomy. Because they would make a terrible father anyway.
- Love Project 2025 when it is buried

5 1

“CC’s own Assemblyman Joe” voted for the new family court position with the person already in mind. Sounds like an inside deal, done in the back room, with a handshake and a promise of allegiance to Joe.
- Love Project 2025 when it is buried

0 0

My wife is voting for Trump I am voting for Harris
- Man from Norwich

6 1

Does the Chenango Republican committee endorse family court judges who owe 15k in back taxes? Living her best life: off the back of the taxpayers. Does it matter that an attorney running for judgeship be required to have no outstanding government debt? Specifically outstanding taxes? What criteria do nominees need to meet for that “distinguished privilege’? PAY YOUR TAXES!
- Love Project 2025 when it is buried

0 0

"My bike is not loud because I want attention, it’s loud because I like it that way, it sounds amazing" I'm not sure if this is satire or a genuine response. Either way im dying laughing at this response. Thank you man from norwich, I needed that laugh

3 1

- Man from Sherburne

9 0

Terrified of Kamala. HAHAHAHAHA!!! You tear her down cuz ya got NOTHIN' !!!
- Woman from Outside Chenango

2 8

Anybody but Kammi
- Woman from Norwich

4 1

I love you Don i think about you day and night
- Man from Norwich

8 0

maga bot trolls (moe, woe, anusmouse, etc.) got their new marching orders, attack Kamala.
- Man from Bainbridge

1 6

Anybody but Trump - Man from Norwich MFN I’m sure you intended to say Hump. Oh sorry I Intended to say Harris.
- Man from Norwich

1 7

So I decided to take a look at this Hill Billy Elegy word book thing. I see some salt from people here referencing it. I go to Amazon, lo and behold it's 4.3 stars out of 5 with almost 100k reviews. "Essential reading."—David Brooks, from the The New York Times states (also a NYT best seller.) No wonder you're so salty.

1 9

DONNIE IS AFRAID TO DEBATE KAMALA!! - Man from Sherburne No he is not she not even worth talking to.She cackles she dosent talk.She fumbles her words and cant even speak correct vocab.Where did she go to school,She must have finished last like Biden
- Woman from Lincklaen

5 3

Breaking News: The Joe Biden / Kamala Harris administration just took down the top Sinaloa cartel leader and the son of “El Chapo.” The Sinaloa cartel is one of the most powerful and most ruthless criminal organizations which has dominated drug trade in the US, including the recent fentanyl deaths in America. These two bosses that the Biden/Harris administration just brought down .They brought them in the country - TheTrampLies
- Woman from Lincklaen

0 8

What's going to happen when Taylor Swift endorses Harris? Can you say "Deranged Trump Syndrome?" - Man from Sherburne Taylor Swift here today gone tomorrow.She dresses like a Tramp. Her music is tasteless.Biden/Harris cater until only to the super poor or hollywood and celebrities. The celebrities are actors what are they saying behind closed doors?????
- Woman from Lincklaen

4 2

Man from Norwich just a reminder you should do a google search for NY Vehicle & Traffic law, section 1219. It is illegal to put grass clippings, snow, dirt, rocks etc into a roadway in NY creating a traffic hazard. You are also if a contractor who is working for you does it. If a accident was to occur you can be fined and subject to a lawsuit. Hope you have a good lawyer and deep pockets.
- Woman from Norwich

8 1

Hello? Who's calling? "White Women: Answer the Call! A Zoom call inspired by the one for Black women held earlier this week, saw 164,000 white women joining the call, reportedly $$$$ setting a world record as the largest Zoom meeting in history $$$$. Nearly $2 million was raised for Harris in less than two hours on Thursday night."
- Kill Project 2025!

8 1

"It's really funny seeing you liberals really believing that the laughing hyena has a chance! " She has an excellent chance and you know it.🤣
- Man from Norwich

9 1

"Gold medal for Trump? Sure, as long as the event is Russian Water Sports" Or a sack of white flour.
- Kill Project 2025!

0 9

Oh no, Harleys are too loud, boo hoo, if you don’t like it, dont listen. See how easy that is? I wonder why nobody has ever said anything about how loud my Harley is TO MY FACE? I dare anyone to come down to the bar and say something about the way bikers dress, I’m waiting. My bike is not loud because I want attention, it’s loud because I like it that way, it sounds amazing.
- Man from Norwich

0 1

Mr. Mayor....There is Graffiti all over Norwich ......Graffiti on stop sign at Mitchell and Silver been on it for years.....Cmon' Mr. Mayor Rally the Troops ..... !
- Man from Norwich

1 1

They screw you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were-screwed up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another’s throats. Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, And-don’t-have-any-kids-yourself. ~ Philip Larkin
- Woman from Smyrna

0 2

Mr. Mayor....What's up with the new City Sweeper.......It's never out.....We need that Sweeper cleaning the streets....The People are taking notice Mr. Mayor.........We want answers !
- Man from Norwich

6 2

In 2015/16 when looking up the Family History of DJT, the available information specifically made note of the exodus by Fredrick Drumpf from Germany to avoid military service, his migration to Alaska where he set upa brothel that serviced the gold miners. After which he traveled to NY and settled there. interestingly enough, after the election of 2016, all of that information was scrubbed from the internet; I wonder why/who would have done such a thing?
- TheTrampLies

7 2

Bullet wound my azzzz. No way will anybody get me to believe any bullet from that type of gun would have grazed that close and/or done so little damage. No way.
- Man from Norwich

6 0

"You've got to remember; these are simple farmers, people of the land, the common clay of the new west, you know......MORONS." JIM-Blazing Saddles
- Man from Norwich

3 5

FBI still interfering in the elections....from Jr's laptop to Trump's bullet wound....(i saw Trump grab his ear before going to the ground)
- Man from Norwich

2 5

"on his loud as hell Harley" "and I am sure it made him feel good, but why everyone else in the city need to listen to him? Do these folks they look cool, we laugh at them? - Woman from Norwich This is why I blow grass in the street." I know South Park isn't for everyone, but check out season 13 episode 12 called "The F word." That episode is spot on when it comes to bikers.

2 8

"What's going to happen when Taylor Swift endorses Harris?" MfS. She hasn't though. But please, continue with your delusion. I like to see it play out in the 30 seconds version of real time.

9 1

Vote for Trump is real stupid He only for the rich
- Man from Norwich

10 2

Anybody but Trump
- Man from Norwich

0 7

Yesterday I saw a guy dressed up in his Rob Halford costume on his loud as hell Harley and I could hear him all the way around Norwich, then all the way up west hill. , and I am sure it made him feel good, but why everyone else in the city need to listen to him? Do these folks they look cool, we laugh at them? - Woman from Norwich This is why I blow grass in the street.
- Man from Norwich

2 5

"suggested he would be open to a “federal response” to prevent women from traveling across state lines to get abortion care." Completely legitimate response from JD. More I think about it though, abortion should be legalized. Because the women who are making terrible life choices, terrible choices in partners, don't use contraception. They shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get an abortion. They should be mandated to have the abortion. Because they would make a terrible mother anyway.

5 2

Always remember; That 1970 Fleetwood single-wide that's sagging in the middle, covered with moss and RWNJ flags that has been sinking into the muck for the past 50 years with the scattered junk, garbage, kids toys, broken lawnmowers, quads and motorcycle parts in between a "lawn" full of 5 foot weeds that hasn't been mowed in 20 years. 2 or 3 screeching idiots inside that wait for the gubmint check every month. THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE ARGUING WITH HERE.
- Man from Norwich

9 1

BREAKING: Massive Trump scandal Uncovered Tramp** may have 'stolen' $1.7 billion from the government while serving as president. an expert calculated and revealed $1.7 billion flowed through Donald Trump’s businesses while serving as president.
- TheTrampLies

8 1

"The race between bribem and kammy is which one is dumber!" Congratulations, Man from Norwich, you win!
- Dixie Dawg

9 1

The WDIV/Detroit News poll discovered that 82.1% of Black voters in Michigan support Kamala Harris and 11.5% percent the anti-vaxxer independent candidate RFK Jr. The pool took a sampling of 600 likely voters between July 22 and 24. There was a margin of error of 4 points. Clearly, voters are aware of what a racist monster Donald Trump is. He's promising MAGA fascism and Harris is promising a brighter future for everyone. The choice is easy.
- TheTrampLies

3 7

Just saw the video of Kamala on the phone with the Obamas. Felt so spontaneous and organic. I'm glad someone was there to record this totally natural phone call.

9 0

The last time I had occasion to look it up, One State has no jurisdiction over what another State deems to be legal: That is part of the argument that the GOP has held based on "States' Rights"; Now the GQP/MAGA want to reverse that stance in order to appease the Fascist tendency of their Orange Geesus!
- TheTrampLies

7 1

What's going to happen when Taylor Swift endorses Harris? Can you say "Deranged Trump Syndrome?"
- Man from Sherburne

10 0

Gold medal for Trump? Sure, as long as the event is Russian Water Sports
- Man from Sherburne

10 0

Kamala isn’t qualified? Huh? She’s much more qualified than the clown who wrote a book about getting off with a sofa. He has no other accomplishments
- Man from Norwich

2 2

Confucius says "Nothing is illegal unless you get caught".
- Woman from Norwich

6 1

“ This literally what "States Rights" is folks.” so MAGA thinks states have the right to forbid your free travel to go to a doctor? You can go to a different state and do whatever you want that is within their laws. From Ohio and want to smoke weed? It’s perfectly legal to go to New York or Michigan to partake. Try again. WOW! Who’s the party of small government now? What a tool.
- Man from Norwich

9 0

"It's illegal to cross State lines to and bring back fireworks... Why would abortions be exempt from that? This literally what "States Rights" is folks." Thanks for posting this! You really should consider a career teaching American History. And really, if some states wanted to have slavery, why should other states interfere? Especially when those slaves are learning skills like home dentistry or contributing to science by participating in experimental surgery without anesthesia. Your insight is invaluable. Keep Posting!
- Kill Project 2025!

7 0

You folks complaining about the economy are silly. There are so many ways to make money in this economy. Flip houses, partner with a recent immigrant who’s eligible for cheap government backed loans, start a business, buy some houses for air bnb, heck just putting money into stock market would have doubled your money in 4 years. You are poor because you are dumb and lazy! There is no excuse for your own failure! Work harder save more!
- Woman from Norwich

9 0

Democrats hear this! We are and always have been a party that is about the collective, the people! We are part of something bigger than each of us individually, we are strong because each one of us works for the same goal. The success of the party is more important than our own personal beliefs, feelings or needs. Vote blue no matter who! You are not voting for the individual you are voting for the party! Democrats must win!
- Man from Pharsalia

10 0

MAGA do you "Remember" this:Nikki Haley (January): “If Donald Tramp** becomes the Republican nominee, we will get a President Kamala Harris. You mark my words. He cannot win a general election.”
- TheTrampLies

10 0

Breaking News: The Joe Biden / Kamala Harris administration just took down the top Sinaloa cartel leader and the son of “El Chapo.” The Sinaloa cartel is one of the most powerful and most ruthless criminal organizations which has dominated drug trade in the US, including the recent fentanyl deaths in America. These two bosses that the Biden/Harris administration just brought down have eluded the United States for decades, including under former Presidents Tramp** and Obama.
- TheTrampLies

1 7

"Corrupt Media Gaslights Voters By Rewriting Kamala's Past ......Ingrid Jacques, USAT"
- Man from Norwich

6 0

Hit him hard and don't let up.
- Man from Norwich

0 8

FEEL THE WAVE! "Vice President Harris’s campaign is highlighting audio from a 2022 interview in which Sen. JD Vance, now the GOP vice-presidential nominee, suggested he would be open to a “federal response” to prevent women from traveling across state lines to get abortion care." YES WE KAM! - Kill Project 2025! So what you're saying is he's against going across state lines to kill babies?
- Man from Norwich

2 6

"Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in June 2020 radio interview".......CNN Headline
- Man from Norwich

0 8

Our first DEI President VP Hamas....its not about qualifications its about the narrative
- Man from Norwich

0 7

VP Hamas call with the Obama's made me lose my cookies so gross fake sickening
- Man from Norwich

0 7

It's really funny seeing you liberals really believing that the laughing hyena has a chance! 🤣
- Man from Norwich

0 7

White House claims that Kamala was never appointed to be the border czar. There's video evidence of Joe saying that exact thing! She was appointed that position and did fail miserably at it! Just more and more lies coming out of the white house. No surprise! 👉
- Man from Norwich

11 1

FEEL THE WAVE! "Vice President Harris’s campaign is highlighting audio from a 2022 interview in which Sen. JD Vance, now the GOP vice-presidential nominee, suggested he would be open to a “federal response” to prevent women from traveling across state lines to get abortion care." YES WE KAM!
- Kill Project 2025!

10 1

Speaking in tongues what you're looking for in a republican/MAGA presidency? "Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation president and the architect of Project 2025, the conservative thinktank’s road map for a second Trump presidency, has close ties and receives regular spiritual guidance from an Opus Dei-led center in Washington DC, a hub of activity for the radical and secretive Catholic group." Read the eye-popping article in today's Guardian.
- Kill Project 2025!

11 1

Re:"The race between bribem and kammy is which one is dumber! - Man from Norwich" WOW, small town 6th grade graduate, white trailer trash passing judgment over the intellectual capacity of others, incredibly "STOOPID" action!
- TheTrampLies

10 1

What infantile posts by the cult of the Flabby Orange Redundant Prepuce! Not only are they infantile, humorless and fact-free, they're just plain BORING! As Socrates said, "As you post, so you are."
- Kill Project 2025!

8 0

Yesterday I saw a guy dressed up in his Rob Halford costume on his loud as hell Harley and I could hear him all the way around Norwich, then all the way up west hill. I understand that some people need attention, and I am sure it made him feel good, but why does everyone else in the city need to listen to him? Do these folks realize we don’t think they look cool, we laugh at them?
- Woman from Norwich

7 0

I know it’s wishful thinking, but if we were able to exile a majority our “socialy challenged” (conservative/republican/racist/sexist) population this would be the most amazing country ever. If democrats were able to actually fix all the issues instead of having to deal with the republicans blocking every single good idea we could do it. They either need to stop blocking progress and keeping minorities “in their place”, or they need to go! They are not welcome here anymore!
- Man from Pharsalia

0 9

It's illegal to cross State lines to buy and bring back fireworks, weed, all kinds of things. Why would abortions be exempt from that? This literally what "States Rights" is folks. Kids need to crack a book every now and then and learn about what our Nation is and how it came to be. Another failure of Public Education and Parenting in general. No wonder those in power in the Democrat party have no children. Good thing too!
- Man from Norwich

1 8

"have NOT had an adverse effect on the Market" Just an adverse effect on the economy, border, groceries, home-buying, gasoline, on and on...........
- Man from Norwich

1 9

FACT!! Kamala Harris' House condemnation for border failure 'long overdue but absolutely warranted': Brandon Judd. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/kamala-harris-house-condemnation-for-border-failure-long-overdue-but-absolutely-warranted-brandon-judd/ar-BB1qF875?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=6b5fa355afc34545add71a258e3e2079&ei=70
- Man from Norwich

1 8

"no assassination attempt" HAHAHA!!! You're IDIOTS! You're either the most STUPID people, or you're making a joke out of people dying! Loser libs are the WORST pieces of S--- that ever walked the face of this planet! FACT!!
- Man from Norwich

10 1

JD Vance is the gift that keeps giving. He’s on video promoting the federal government to keep women from crossing state lines for abortions. Welcome to Gilead. Drop your rights and assume the position ladies
- Man from Norwich

1 9

The race between bribem and kammy is which one is dumber!
- Man from Norwich

8 1

In the past 52 weeks (year) the DJIA has risen nearly 8000 points: Biden/Harris have NOT had an adverse effect on the Market; -Open 40,140.86 -High 40,610.38 -Low 40,140.86 -Prev close 39,935.07 -52-wk high 41,376.00 -52-wk low 32,327.20
- Man from Norwich

1 9

"AFRAID TO DEBATE KAMALA!!" WRONG AGAIN! She's a NOBODY! Not worth his time! She won't even be the nominee! BUT, if she IS, he'll debate her in a SECOND!!
- Man from Norwich

2 8

“One hundred percent she (kammy) is a DEI hire,” Tim Burchett of Tennessee said on CNN, using the acronym for “diversity, equity and inclusion” to claim that she is ascending because of her race, not on merit. “Her record is abysmal at best.”
- Man from Norwich

0 0

Mr. Mayor...where are you?
- Man from Norwich

2 8

These liberals and the CRAP they spew amazes me. Prior to the Brain Dead Idiot dropping out of the race, there was little or nothing said about age. However now that the Senile Idiot has dropped out, .all the liberal whining is about Trumps age. Personally I would much prefer an old Trump to a Gold Digging Good Time Girl.
- Man from Norwich

1 8

"Trump refuses to debate Kamala Harris." Why should he? She's a lowly, so called v.p. that speaks in word salads! She's a TOTAL waste of time AND oxygen!
- Man from Norwich

1 6

- Man from Norwich

1 7

Kamala didn't even come close to winning in her OWN primary but you think she actually has any chance at becoming president? 🤣
- Man from Norwich

1 8

Trump refused to debate Kamala mfn? That's the funniest thing I've heard in quite a while! Thanks for the laugh! Lies lies lies! 👉🤣🤣
- Man from Norwich

0 0

Harris is priming her anti Jew machine...female adolf. 😈
- Woman from Norwich

9 1

Man from No, KH isn't smart or quick? You better look again, little buddy. She's been a prosecutor, district attorney, attorney general, and senator. Trump is a reality TV host and builder of bankruptcies. Ask Kavanaugh whether he finds her quick or smart. She mopped the floor with him.
- Two Lane Highway

1 7

Harris loves Hamas
- Woman from Norwich

7 1

MAGA-My Attorney Got Arrested
- Man from Norwich

8 1

What MAGA means is a desire of return to a time that felt better for the insignificant, the insecure and the cowardly that want to dominate the landscape by supposed "white, male speriority". Men don't want to improve themselves, they just want things to be better because they are not the "weaker"sex. Insecurity breeds fear, fear that they are insignificant!
- Man from Norwich

9 1

Trump refuses to debate Kamala Harris. He squawked that she is a "Marxist Fraud" from the safety of Merde-A-Lardo while his quislings worked feverishly to remove that mile wide yellow stripe that runs up his backside.
- Man from Norwich

1 9

Liberals are not even smart enough to know what MAGA even means! Low IQ= a vote for Kamala. They are the same people who are easily dupped by the left wing media!
- Man from Norwich

1 10

Do you people really believe that Kamala has ANY chance? Trump will wipe the floor with her! She is not smart, or quick enough to hang with Trump. He will make her look like a fool just like he did to Joe!
- Man from Norwich

10 1

- Man from Sherburne

10 0

- Man from Sherburne

1 3

Really enjoy the concerts in the park on Thursday nights. I just wish those couples showing off their dancing skills would do so up in front of the stage and not block the sidewalk.
- Man from Norwich

9 0

I'm so old I can remember when clean air and clean water weren't unpopular ideas. just sayin
- Could Be From Anywhere

9 1

Trump is too old, too senile, too corrupt and too dumb to be president
- Man from Norwich

10 1

Frothy mockery doesn't make you smart, correct, or admirable, magas. It's old, repeated foolishness (Trump can pay off a porn star and have 5 kids with 3 women, but KH's dates from years ago are an issue? Seriously?). I'm pretty sure your news sources aren't reporting on the substantive matters now going on so I heartily recommend you start reading.
- Two Lane Highway

9 1

"According to a New York Times/Siena College poll published Thursday, among likely voters, Trump is at 48 percent to Harris’ 47 percent in a head-to-head matchup — narrowing the race to a virtual tie after Trump led Biden by six points when the Times polled the race in June. When third party candidates and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are included, Harris draws 44 percent of likely voters to Trump’s 43 percent, with Kennedy slumping to five percent." YES WE KAM!
- Kill Project 2025!

9 1

Had enough of the Christo-Fascists yet? "According to the guidance from Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma Republican state superintendent, every teacher must be given “a physical copy of the Bible, the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Ten Commandments.” It breaks down how instructors should teach the Bible by subject — including its historical context, literary significance and influences on arts and music — and by grade levels from five to 12." VOTE BLUE IN ROEVEMBER!
- Kill Project 2025!

9 1

"bribem: "I'm not going anywhere". HAHAHA!!" That's all you got? Sad. Better go sharpen your flagpole.
- Kill Project 2025!

1 9

Ya thank you president Biden, for stepping down and allowing Kackaling Kamala to take your place! Easier for Trump to win in November! 👉👍🤣🤣🤣
- Man from Norwich

1 8

"he ain't got the fortitude to debate Harris." WRONG! He doesn't NEED to! She destroys HERSELF every time she opens her cackle mouth!! HAHAHA!!!
- Man from Norwich

7 1

Yes We Kam! VP Harris is engaging younger voters, women voters and independents. And they're having fun in the process. "The younger voting-age set is recasting Harris as “brat” (a “girl who is a little messy”) as in the album — and the viral tweet — by British pop star Charli XCX. (That’s the reason the Harris campaign has gone lime green online.) Coconut tree videos proliferated, as did clips of Harris dancing, laughing and striding purposefully in heels." ROEVEMBER!
- Kill Project 2025!

2 9

bribem: "I'm not going anywhere". HAHAHA!!! "Nobody's pushing me out". HAHAHA!!! "Nobody f---s with a biden". HAHAHA!!! "I'll cure cancer". HAHAHA!!!
- Man from Norwich

4 9

"no assassination attempt" HAHAHA!!! You're IDIOTS! You're either the most STUPID people, or you're making a joke out of people dying! Loser libs are the WORT pieces of S--- that ever walked the face of this planet! FACT!!
- Man from Norwich

8 3

Thank you Democrats! "Democrats introduced a bill Friday proposing increased penalties for employers found guilty of child labor violations and toughening rules around minimum wage, overtime violations and breaches of health and safety rules. The bill comes as child labor violations have surged in the US. The Department of Labor reported an increase of 88% in such violations between 2019 and 2023 as Republican states have moved to relax child labor rules." VOTE BLUE FOR FAMILIES!
- Kill Project 2025!

8 1

Everyone is going to hell according to someone's religion!
- Man from New Berlin

9 2

"VP Kamala Hamas.....where is Obama's endorsement ????" -Man from Norwich" Right here Sparky: "We called to say Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office.”
- Kill Project 2025!

10 2

I called it; he ain't got the fortitude to debate Harris. Period.
- Man from Norwich

10 2

Trump with Vance = weirdo x 2.
- Man from Norwich

1 7

The attempted assassination of Trump never happened laugh of the day! You fake news, conspiracy theorists are pathetic. The conspiracy fruitcake Alex Jones has sucked you brains out. Explain people dead, others seriously injured, video of dead shooter blood all over, along with bullets and the gun. Alex Jones has paid out millions in lawsuits because of his make believe fantasy world. His life like yours is a conspiracy theory within itself.
- Woman from Norwich

2 7

Well when the maga loser trump loses in November they can have him coach the Norwich Basketball Ball team I sure he’s the best coach in the world just ask him. - Man from Outside Chenango Basketball is childs play Trump doesnt play like a child.Biden/Harris play with marbles and cheat while there teammates arent looking.Biden and Harris are bad bully children who dont play fair with ANYBODY AND LAUGH CACKLE IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2024
- Woman from Lincklaen

2 8

Great cartoon on the internet....VP Hamas says look look my crowds are bigger than Trump....a man whispers yes but they are all illegals migrants
- Man from Norwich

8 1

"Vote for trump is a vote for Putin - Man from Norwich A vote for harris is a vote for stupid!" Post is stupid, Voting RED. Mama Gump sez: Stupid is as stupid duh- uz.
- Man from Smithville

6 0

Hoooeee! Those polls, huh? 😁😁😁
- Woman from Norwich

Jul 25th, 2024

Want your own handle? Register an account and choose your unique handle to stand out from the crowd.

3 5

"Well when the maga loser trump loses in November they can have him coach the Norwich Basketball Ball team I sure he’s the best coach in the world just ask him." MfOC. Huh?

30 seconds is now shut down for the evening.

- 30sec Moderator

6 1

Thank you President Biden! "American law enforcement officials arrested two top leaders of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most dominant criminal organizations in Mexico, the Justice Department said on Thursday. “Fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement. “The Justice Department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member, and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable.”
- Kill Project 2025!

5 2

Well when the maga loser trump loses in November they can have him coach the Norwich Basketball Ball team I sure he’s the best coach in the world just ask him.
- Man from Outside Chenango

3 6

From what ive read, some are saying an assassination attempt never took place. This is reprehensible behavior. Does the The Evening Sun condone this?

1 2

Here's a hobby for you shut-in geezers with no lives. Answer the phone and argue with the scammers and telemarketers. You'll get your self-stroking in real time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Woman from Guilford

2 6

“side piece.” An ex side piece to Montel Williams is going to be the next president? WOOF. Make it make sense KP25

2 6

Re; "Man from Sherburne MAGA DEFINITION IS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! Although with all the damage the dems have done I find it a 24/7 a day job.Hopefully God listens to our Prayers" - RME
- Man from Norwich

6 2

Re:". Look at the facts and stop filtering your filth.Biden/Harris have no clue what being a true leader is. - Woman from Lincklaen" The Tramp** lies on a regular basis and yet you adore him, cherish him and want to elevate him to king! You definitely are "screwed" up.
- TheTrampLies

1 4

"Sociopath. That word does not mean what you think it means in the context in which you have employed it." Deceitful then. Is that an easier term for you to digest?

2 6

Vote for trump is a vote for Putin - Man from Norwich A vote for harris is a vote for stupid!
- Voting RED

5 0

WfL-JD Eyeliner and the MAGA you so vocally support have the same plans for you as they do for every other woman in America-are you really that ignorant?? Sometimes it boggles the mind.......
- Man from Norwich

7 2

Where is your orange geezus? Crying in his hidey space because he can't control the press and the narrative anymore?? Poor little snowflake!
- Man from Norwich

9 5

AP fact checker: "CLAIM: An Inside Edition clip of television host Montel Williams holding hands with Harris and another woman is proof that Harris was his “side piece.” THE FACTS: The clip shows Montel with Harris and his daughter, Ashley Williams. Harris and Williams, a former marine who hosted “The Montel Williams Show” for more than a decade, dated briefly in the early 2000s." I've never heard of any of this nonsense. No wonder MAGAts can't discuss issues.
- Kill Project 2025!

3 10

The 2 maga stooges from Norwich, just got their new scripts from cult headquarters and they're posting, full steam ahead. - Man from Sherburne MAGA DEFINITION IS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! Although with all the damage the dems have done I find it a 24/7 a day job.Hopefully God listens to our Prayers
- Woman from Lincklaen

3 10

"I felt the bullet pierce my ear....." YA, OK!!! That pile of BS is right up there with every other lie the demented, sociopathic, pathetic narcissist has ever told. If his mouth is open and it's making noise, HE'S LYING. - Man from Norwich Your a joke of course it was a bullet.You people hate so much any lie looks good especially if it hurts Trump. Biden/Harrris has hurt more people in the past 3 years .WAKE UP
- Woman from Lincklaen

6 5

Re:"Tramplies is one very demented, hateful and brainwashed individual! He believes all the lies and rhetoric that the left wing media tells him! Pathetic! - Man from Norwich" I believe in life, liberty, equality, freedom of speech, freedom of choice and the pursuit of happiness: All you believe in is an Orange Clown that is a pervert, lying Felon seeking to establish a fascist autocracy in this nation for his personal benefit: You Are the DEMENTED One!
- TheTrampLies

9 3

Re:". Look at the facts and stop filtering your filth.Biden/Harris have no clue what being a true leader is. - Woman from Lincklaen" You must be off your rocker, since I did not pass any judgment on Paris Hilton, what I posted was from an INTERVIEW conduction by Stern and the response were words straight out of the mouth of your Orange Geesus. If you have a complaint, address it to the source.
- TheTrampLies

9 3

WfL, I am confused by what you have written. What does Paris Hilton have to do with Harris? And why do you think that someone who has admitted to being attracted to 12 year old girls would make a good leader. Personally, I don't believe he should be allowed anywhere near a school full of children let alone allowed into the White House. I wouldn't want him near my children or their friends...ewwwww, yuck!
- LonnieTrouble

4 8

Kamala's first campaign rally almost filled a highschool gym. Trump rally filled up a stadium! Kamala Harris is the best that the Dems have?
- Man from Norwich

3 9

So....we watch a Presidential candidate get shot in the head at a rally.....and you see a post on here calling that a lie and it never happened. I suppose that Cory Comperatore isn't dead....but in a warehouse somewhere.....hiding til the election is over. Adolescents....there ought to be an age limit to post on here.
- Man from Norwich

4 12

the tramp lies : You are still the corrupt little man talking about other women (Paris Hilton).Harris has been VP for 3 years and done nothing but stumble her words. Her poor use of vocabulary is a joke.She is a puppet like JOEY BOY,We need a strong leader.Not leaders who let scum burn the American Flag and are true RACISTS. Look at the facts and stop filtering your filth.Biden/Harris have no clue what being a true leader is.
- Woman from Lincklaen

10 3

Project 2025 is the blueprint for an extremist agenda. People of certain religious, ethnic backgrounds should be very cautious about supporting this type of governing authority. Especially people whose ancestors were betrayed and persecuted by the Romans, the Inquisition, the Germans in the 30s and 40s and most recently in the Middle East. Educate yourselves to make the best, most clear-headed decisions about the world you want for yourselves and your children. Blowing up Palestine isn't the answer either.
- Man from Norwich

1 1

Anyone know who the next Norwich boys varsity basketball coach is? Heard a lot of crazy rumors.
- Woman from Norwich

4 9

"The hard fact is that sometimes we must make decisions we do not like" We all know the HARD decisions Kamala made when she was with Montel Williams Kill Bill Project 2025... Don't deflect anymore than usual, it's not becoming of a lady.

3 3

Just looking at the west side of the Norwich Elks Club and it looks in horrible shape Broken windows, peeling paint, etc, etc.
- Man from Norwich

9 3

"I felt the bullet pierce my ear....." YA, OK!!! That pile of BS is right up there with every other lie the demented, sociopathic, pathetic narcissist has ever told. If his mouth is open and it's making noise, HE'S LYING.
- Man from Norwich

6 4

Sociopath. That word does not mean what you think it means in the context in which you have employed it. Once again/FailedMiserablyHelplesslyBlind. Please do carry on.....................
- Man from Norwich

2 2

I voted for Abbie Hoffman too; Then I Stole His Book!!!!
- Man from Norwich

11 3

FBI Director Wray on Tramp's** injury from the assassination attempt: “There’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.”It’s increasingly clear that Tramp** was NOT hit by a bullet in the assassination attempt. There was no need for him to lie and embellish, but he just couldn’t help himself. When the full truth finally comes out — and it will — Tramp** will be exposed as the liar he is.
- TheTrampLies

9 3

The 2 maga stooges from Norwich, just got their new scripts from cult headquarters and they're posting, full steam ahead.
- Man from Sherburne

9 3

Drumph and maga step in it again.
- Woman from Outside Chenango

3 8

White House press secretary says that Biden's exit was not a medical decision! Ya sure ok 👌
- Woman from Norwich

10 2

"An Axios/Generation lab posted today showed Harris polling with a massive 20 point lead over Trump among voters aged 18-34. The poll carries a margin of error of 3.5%, which wouldn’t have all that much effect on the Harris lead." Too bad trump killed off those hundreds of thousands of old MAGAs with his Coviad homicidal negligence. Gonna miss those old red-hatted geezers on ROEVEMBER 4th.
- Kill Project 2025!

9 3

Vote for trump is a vote for Putin
- Man from Norwich

9 2

Look at MAGAt, poking fun at someone for doing something that is beyond the scope or ability of a MAGA: correcting himself on a particular subject matter once more information has become available. MAGA is different, they would remain adamant even in the face of evidence contrary to their avocation That's why "STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES"
- Man from Norwich

2 8

Tramplies is one very demented, hateful and brainwashed individual! He believes all the lies and rhetoric that the left wing media tells him! Pathetic!
- Man from Norwich

9 1

"Border Czar Kammy Harris' failure in 0erformance allows close to 20 million unvetted, unknown illegals ... to pour into the Nation.." Now now, we talked about that. Repeating the lie will never make it true. Maybe try all caps next time? Or... you could google up exactly what Vice president Harris actually accomplished regarding long term solutions to the immigration issue. I know! Too much trouble! Don't worry I'm sure they'll be a silly FaceBook meme along soon to copy/paste...
- Kill Project 2025!

1 9

Tales from the Crypt Biden’s speech last night was a disaster, he couldn’t even read off a teleprompter. He needs to resign now. TODAY! Our country is the laughing stock of the world, he is the worst president of the USA. He looks worse than Jimmy Carter who has been in Hospice for over a year now. My observation from my speed boat in South Florida. 🇺🇸 TRUMP For PRESIDENT 🇺🇸
- Woman from Outside Chenango

9 2

"you are the definition of a sociopath." The hard fact is that sometimes we must make decisions we do not like. We make them because they are right, right in the sense that the law and the Constitution, as we see them, compel the result." Justice Anthony Kennedy, June 21, 1989. Texas v. Johnson. BTW, conservative Scalia cast the deciding vote. Before you start calling people silly names like 'sociopath' you might want to take a civics class.
- Kill Project 2025!

9 1

MAGA, do you remember the Stern interview/Tramp spoke about Paris Hilton? Here's a refresher: TRUMP:I've known Paris Hilton since she's 12. STERN:She's hot. TRUMP:Her parents are friends of mine. The first time she walked into the room I said, "who the hell is that!" STERN:But even at 12 you were like, "wow she's hot." TRUMP:Yeah, I saw her at 12 she was beautiful. STERN:Have you seen her sex video? TRUMP:Yes, I have seen it. Melania showed it to me
- TheTrampLies

6 1

Golf, home 30 Seconds, and, MY GOD!!! GET OUTSIDE FOR ONCE, AND GET AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER!!! - Man from Outside Chenango Why?
- Woman from Columbus

7 1

Calling Marjorie Taylor Greene a "Cro-mag" is an insult to Cro-Magnons everywhere. With that brow, "Neanderthal" would be more appropriate except that would be insulting to Neanderthals. She'd make a dandy NFL Nose Tackle. - Man from Sherburne Milf
- Woman from Norwich

2 0

Don't blame me, I voted for Abbie Hoffman.
- Man from Norwich

2 7

Nuke Gaza
- Voting RED

2 8

"Being able to burn the flag is the very thing that gives the flag meaning." Kill Project 2025. This is your quote from this morning. And then you quote "I condemn the burning of the American flag. That flag is a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way.” - Next President of the United States, Vice-president Kamala Harris" You are the definition of a sociopath.

9 0

How come we haven't heard from former speaker Snootfull Gangrene? Is he still busy serving divorce papers to hospitalized cancer victims?
- Man from Sherburne

2 8

https://www.instagram.com/p/C9vNLpAOnsW/ Oh wow, a leftist eating their own words. Who would have though.

10 1

"This election is about whatAmerica we want to live in. An erratic Trump** offers only chaos, fear, and hate," said Harris for President Spokesperson James Singer. "The dangerous threats of an old man don’t create jobs, protect our rights, or keep us safe. Vice President Kamala Harris offers something different: freedom, lower costs, and opportunity for all." Republicans were planning on making this entire election about Biden's age. Now it's going to be about Trump's** age and his gleeful fascism.
- TheTrampLies

10 1

Re:" Now that Joe has stepped down, suddenly Tramp is old and senile. But this never came up when Joe was the candidate! - Man from Norwich" Nah, tramp's** been OLD, FAT, BALD & DECREPIT for quite some time, but MAGA, YOU and the rest of the "BLEACHERS" have been using up all the Oxygen in the room to pounce on Biden. Now that Biden is not in the picture Tramp** is the OLD man still in the room!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- TheTrampLies

9 1

Calling Marjorie Taylor Greene a "Cro-mag" is an insult to Cro-Magnons everywhere. With that brow, "Neanderthal" would be more appropriate except that would be insulting to Neanderthals. She'd make a dandy NFL Nose Tackle.
- Man from Sherburne

1 8

Not "exile".....A National Divorce maybe. Red States secede from the Union.....leaving the bankrupt radical Blue States to welcome Hamas officially.
- Man from Norwich

1 1

- Man from Outside Chenango

1 7

MFP The three magas lol . Man you sound desperate.
- Man from Outside Chenango

1 8

Border Czar Kammy Harris' failure in 0erformance allows close to 20 million unvetted, unknown illegals from all over the world to pour into the Nation....flooding our Cities, taking precious resources meant for Americans....paid for by Americans. That's only one part of her failed performance. Yet you folks cheer for her like it's American Idol or something. Trump should picked Kid Rock for VP. Although Trump will wipe the floor with her at the first debate.
- Man from Norwich

1 7

Pro HAMAS terrorist supporters are burning American flags and defacing government property in Washington DC! This is the real insurrection! Arrest them and deport them to Gaza where they can be next to the terrorists that they support! This is shameful and it's all ok with the Democrats! They support this pathetic behavior!
- Man from Norwich

1 6

Border Czar🤪🤪🤪🤪😜😜😜😜😜👋🤪🤪😜😜🤪🤪😜😜😜🤪😜😜👋😜😜🤪😜🤪🤪😜🤪😜😜🤪🤔😜👋🤔🤔🤔🙏🤔🤔🙏🤔🙏🤔🙏🎰🙏🤔🤔🤔
- Woman from Norwich

7 2

Just what the county needs. A trump wannabe company to screw the tax payers again.
- Man from Norwich

10 3

Sleepy Don. Too old. Too senile.
- Man from Norwich

2 8

Hamas + dems = more dems
- Woman from Norwich

2 9

Now that Joe has stepped down, suddenly Trump is old and senile. But this never came up when Joe was the candidate!
- Man from Norwich

2 6

Steady as she goes Joe? Lmfao 😂 Joe doesn't do anything steady! You see him walking or climbing stairs or even ride a bike? Ya none of it is steady! 👉
- Man from Norwich

3 0

It's not like they can interview the couch.
- Man from Norwich

1 5

Palestinian health authorities say Israel's ground and air campaign in Gaza has killed more than 39,000 people and driven most of the enclave's 2.3 million people from their homes. I'd call that a pretty good start. 👍
- Take The Red Pill

2 4

“Our audience is about to see the frantic seconds in the moments after the government tried to kill former President Trump,” Thomas appeared to have said on ABC News’s Good Morning America. “It’s all caught on police bodycam video.”...Chief Justice Correspondent for ABC News in a episode on TV.
- Man from Norwich

8 1

There is no "Border Czar". And for the phonetically challenged, there is no "Boarder Czar" either. There is, however a decomposing pile of orange mush at MAG-A-GAGO in South Florida.
- Man from Norwich

7 2

People are so sick of the orange freak and his maga cult followers. It's over.
- Woman from Outside Chenango

0 4

Horse teeth for President.
- Man from Norwich

8 2

DjT**: "Lying Kamala destroys everything that she touches" ...Um, she's not the one with 7 corporate bankruptcies, a failed airline, a failed magazine, a failed scam university, three failed casinos, a failed pandemic response, the worst jobs record of any U.S. president, two impeachments, and 34 criminal convictions, but ok, if you say so!.
- TheTrampLies

3 7

"but something needs to be done. Exile maybe?" Man from Pharsalia. Its so ironic, you've literally become what you 'think' republicans/the right are. Congratulations on being so unaware!

1 5

VP Kamala Hamas.....where is Obama's endorsement ????
- Man from Norwich

7 1

It's pretty hilarious that the only things I see online about JD Vance are mascara, couch cushions, childless cat lady, and his involvement with Project 2025. And tramp** wishes it was anything BUT Project 2025. And another thing that is not clear: What criteria do these two neanderthals use to decide which immigrants to expel and which ones to marry? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Republicans are having "Buyers Remorse !
- TheTrampLies

5 2

Former Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan endorses Kamala Harris for president: “I don’t agree with Kamala Harris on everything….I’m willing to eat a little bit of humble pie here to do the right thing. And the right thing is to beat Donald Tramp**…He’s reckless on a good day and dangerous on a bad day.”
- TheTrampLies

6 0

"U.S. economy grew 2.8% in second quarter, a robust unexpected strengthening. Economic growth is solid, not too hot and not too cold,” LOL! "'That's not happening!' Fox Business guest flips out at stronger-than-expected GDP growth"
- Man from Norwich

4 1

Oddly enough, MAGA cannot remember TRUTH/FACTS but have no problem remembering the LIES; must be a side effect from drinking the BLEACH! Can they remember when Tram** said this: “You're not going to teach a criminal not to be a criminal. It's just not going to happen”...betcha they can't/won't🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- TheTrampLies

2 5

“Now we have a presidential candidate that can't stay awake during court proceedings, can't stay awake during a convention that is structured for him”. Another false statement presented by TTL. Strange that with your handle, all YOU seem to do is lie or mislead. As reported by many, including USA Today, Trumps eyes were closed while a speaker was reciting a prayer. Instructions in court are if you believe the witness has lied, then you can disregard all their statements.
- Vote this November!

5 1

"Brit Hume - LOL. Might just as well listen to Rush Limbaugh reruns - Man from Norwich Why wouldn't you?"Well, I'm not into hearing wannabe demagogues. Especially ones that madquerade as non-biased newscasters.
- Man from Norwich

7 1

Truth will win out! "FBI Director Christopher Wray: “With respect to former president Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.” Some have even speculated that it was perhaps an extra ketchup packet left over from his morning hamberders, exploding from beHeinz his ear.
- Kill Project 2025!

2 0

So how long is it going to take the Town of Norwich to fix the washed out culvert on the Lower Ravine road? Seeing it is closed on both ends. Big inconvenience to those who live on that road and travel it on a daily basis to get to work and shopping to avoid having to go all the way through Norwich.
- Woman from Norwich

5 1

Truth is stronger than MAGA! No such position as "Border Czar! "Republicans have sought to steer the ire of voters uncomfortable with undocumented migrants towards the vice-president, by saying she was given the job of securing the southern border. But as PolitiFact notes, the president in fact tasked Harris with addressing root causes of migration in Central American nations, not stopping migrants from entering the United States." BIG BLUE TSUNAMI COMING IN ROEVEMBER!
- Kill Project 2025!

5 0

An observation from NY State if you actually are in South Florida. Buy a rowboat, you're gonna need it sooner than you think!
- Man from Norwich

6 1

Change the narrative, attack the messenger, play the butthurt victim when your argument gets blown out of the water or you are exposed as a phony fraud to garner sympathy from your phony, emotionally unstable and educationally challenged friends. There's your Hillbilly Elegy. MAGA SNOWFLAKES.
- Man from Norwich

6 1

“Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation. I condemn the burning of the American flag. That flag is a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way.” - Next President of the United States, Vice-president Kamala Harris.
- Kill Project 2025!

6 0

MFN. I can assure you I am perfectly capable but debating with you would be like trying to communicate with a doorknob. Thanks but no thanks. I won’t waste my time.
- Man from Otselic

6 1

I have heard from very reliable sources that the only people who actually acted in a less than peaceful manner were some REPUBLICANS dressed as anti-Zionist/anti-genocide protesters. Republicans will stoop to the lowest level possible just to make their enemies look bad, so this is not the least bit surprising. We have the moral high ground, we don’t stage insurrections! We only protest peacefully to support the side of good! Republicans have no morals and love evil.
- Man from Pharsalia

3 10

My observation from South Florida..The USA is under new management, but they will be serving the same old policies. Open Borders, High Inflation, Electric Cars Mandates, ETC. 🇺🇸 Trump For President 🇺🇸
- Woman from Outside Chenango

9 2

I have realized that some cultures/societies are simply not compatible with each other and can’t exist in the same place. Pirates vs. traders, nomads vs. settled people, cannibals vs. everyone else…etc. republicans have become so evil and harmful to everyone who is not a white male that they are no longer able to peacefully exist within our democratic system of government. I am not sure what a good solution is, but something needs to be done. Exile maybe?
- Man from Pharsalia

1 7

Brit Hume - LOL. Might just as well listen to Rush Limbaugh reruns - Man from Norwich Why wouldn't you?
- Man from Norwich

9 0

Interestingly enough, JD Vance's wife is an immigrant from the same country that was the homeland to Kamala's mother; India.
- Man from Norwich

10 5

Trump is old and unhinged, he needs to make arrangements for a nursing home with round the clock professional health care.
- Man from Norwich

7 1

It's tahme ta drank sum Roundup 'n' shoot off ur gunzzzzzzz!! MT Guilford
- Man from Norwich

7 2

During his acceptance speech, TFG only made about half of the lies that he voiced during the debate, so he is improving 😉. I'm sure women are happy when their spouse lies to them only half the time and can pick them out from a foot that also includes others that he wants to engage with in "close" quarters 😉
- Man from Norwich

9 1

“ Moscow shows its teeth and threatens the US” they aren’t very scary. They can’t even defeat their much smaller neighbor. Man up sissy.
- Man from Norwich

9 1

Thus DEI hire talking point is a super dumb tactic that only helps motivate women, minorities and independents to vote for her. Thanks!
- Man from Norwich

6 0

There's gonna be a purge/ YA, and you'll still be sitting in the kitchen in your favorite broken chair next to the refrigerator.
- Man from Norwich

10 2

Steady as she goes Joe! "U.S. economy grew 2.8% in second quarter, a robust unexpected strengthening. Economic growth is solid, not too hot and not too cold,” said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at Fwdbonds, a financial research firm. “The soft patch we had at the beginning of the year has gone away and with it, the risks of a recession are dying on the vine.” History will remember this expert balancing act by President Biden and the Fed.
- Kill Project 2025!

11 3

Now we have a presidential candidate that can't stay awake during court proceedings, can't stay awake during a convention that is structured for him, can't distinguisg between a picture of his wife and a woman he sexually assaulted, can't distinguish between Nancy Pelosi & Nikki Haley, can't remember that he's not running against Barack Obama, can't adhere to his Oath to the COTUS, can't put two words together to properly complete a sentence; He's deranged, fried and unfit!
- TheTrampLies

1 1

USA Today: "Lyme disease is becoming a bigger problem. Which states have the most cases?" https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/lyme-disease-is-becoming-a-bigger-problem-which-states-have-the-most-cases/ar-BB1oJk1V?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=95b5ea89a81a48ea941737df1b8a16da&ei=13
- Man from Norwich

8 0

"MFN obviously can’t think for himself and drinks the Trump bleach every day to stay perfectly sterile of any real world knowledge." And debunk the constant lies the person posts and s/he just posts more lies. What a tool.
- Man from Norwich

7 2

It's simply amazing that the "uneducated" people that Tramp** loves are convinced that they know him better than the people that worked with him for years during his administration and know him better than members of his own family: Family members that know him from way back when he was't a "TV Personality"! No wonder he "LOVES" the uneducated.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- TheTrampLies

6 1

Wall Stree Journal "U.S. Economy Grew a Robust 2.8% in Second Quarter" https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/u-s-economy-grew-a-robust-2-8-in-second-quarter/ar-BB1qBYbB?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=37d708dbe5654aea88dfbab289ff23ec&ei=14
- Man from Norwich

7 2

Re:""This is my V.P. kammy. Anything you'd like to say, kammy"? "Yes. Where's the border? Cackle, Cackle, Cackle"!! - Man from Norwich" Cackle, cackle, cackle sums up the extent of your mastery of the English Lexicon that will certainly help you in life along with injecting Bleach as a cure for whatever else ails you!
- TheTrampLies

8 1

When you can't debate the message.....attack the messenger. Adolescence 101.
- Man from Norwich

6 2

So, who here remembers when the Tramp** was a registered Democrat who donated to Bill Clinton and donated to Kamala Harris; He must be lying to MAGA for a good reason, ah, yes, because he LOVES the Uneducated and the Ignorant!
- DeadbeatJeniusTramp

8 1

""Does anyone remember this one? "If I'm elected I will cure cancer". ~ J. Biden" YEP, I remember that one." No you don't laddie because that was not what he said. Your constant Trumpesque lying is par for the course though.
- Man from Norwich

0 0

Nitey Nite, geezer losers with no life!!! - Not_a_crabby_old_person Actually they say the data shows most people on here are under 50.
- Man from Norwich

7 1

"Trump is full of vitality" LOL. But couldn't stay awake duing his trial for falsifying business records in order to conceal his illegal scheme to corrupt the 2016 election.
- Man from Norwich

7 1

Not_a_crabby_old_person, but DJ Trump is.
- Man from Norwich

7 1

"How about this one? "When I took office there was no vaccine". ~ J. Biden - Stop lying. It was included in a tweet from the White House (“When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available,” and then acknowledged 24 hours later tweet was inaccurate.
- Man from Norwich

6 1

"Does anyone remember this one? "If I'm elected I will cure cancer". ~ J. Biden" Nope. Try this “I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America,” “We’re gonna cure cancer.” Joe Biden and this: "We will come up with cures for cancer...and AIDS...we're very close." D J Trump
- Man from Norwich

11 3

MFN obviously can’t think for himself and drinks the Trump bleach every day to stay perfectly sterile of any real world knowledge.
- Man from Otselic

10 1

Brit Hume - LOL. Might just as well listen to Rush Limbaugh reruns
- Man from Norwich

8 1

Woman from Guilford, Not_a_crabby_old_person, Yee-haw and Woo-hoo!!!! maga reeks of despair!!
- Man from Bainbridge

2 10

"To hear the president tell it, he was fine with running for re-election, thought he could win the race and serve for four more years until sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning, when it dawned on him, apparently, that it was time for a new generation of leaders." - Brit Hume
- Man from Norwich

10 1

The 3 magas are desperately posting their lies and crap tonight. Their boi is on the ropes hahahaha
- Man from Preston

10 0

"NONE of the crap happened when TRUMP was in charge!!" No, because Putin was expecting great returns from tRumps presidency. FACT!! - Man from Norwich
- Man from Preston

8 0

Bring it on M T Guilford!
- Man from Norwich

2 11

Bribems' teleprompter speech called for "younger voices".....i call fro smarter voices....not DEI puppet VP Hamas Bribem 2.0
- Man from Norwich

1 11

"Moscow shows its teeth and threatens the US with direct confrontation" OF COURSE! They know they can get away with it when our "leaders" are WEAK!! NONE of the crap happened when TRUMP was in charge!! FACT!!
- Man from Norwich

3 10

"This is my V.P. kammy. Anything you'd like to say, kammy"? "Yes. Where's the border? Cackle, Cackle, Cackle"!!
- Man from Norwich

0 11

Woke Fake Bloomberg News pounding the table for the Fed to cut interest rates.....more woke new election interference
- Man from Norwich

1 9

"Does anyone remember this one? "If I'm elected I will cure cancer". ~ J. Biden" YEP, I remember that one. How about THIS one: "DUUHHHH, UUMMMM, DOOIIIEEEEE!! j. bribem
- Man from Norwich

0 5

Must be they didn't shut down last night!!
- Man from Bainbridge

3 10

Anti-Israel rioters burned the US flag, flaunted blood-red paint-soaked effigies, and even attempted to breach the US Capitol Police line in Washington, DC.The hateful demonstration got so out of control that Capitol Police were forced to deploy pepper spray and other defensive measures to beat back the aggressive mob.The rioters also tore down American flags flying outside of nearby Union Station before hoisting Palestinian flags up the poles and burning the Stars and Stripes. Dems always support 👿 😈 evil.🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
- Woman from Norwich

3 10

VP Kamala Hamas boycotts Israel PM address to Congress....showing her support for Iran
- Man from Norwich

3 10

"Harris is our bright, hopeful future" HAHAHA!!! Yeah, as long as your idea of a "future" is complete and total failure!! Just like her ONE job as border czar!! HAHAHA!!!
- Man from Norwich

2 10

"The shooter was a registered republican." YEP, and donated money to you LOSER LIBS!! It's nothing new! I registered as dem in 2016 so I could vote against what's-her-name in the primaries! Doesn't make me a loser lib!! HAHAHA!!!
- Man from Norwich

2 10

"said that Joe Biden, who was 77 in 2020, is TOO OLD to be President". WRONG! Not too old, too FEEBLE, too FRAIL, too WEAK in body and spirit! And dementia ridden! THAT'S what we said!
- Man from Norwich