Angelino Calls For Increased Funding For Local Roads
Published: February 27th, 2024

Angelino calls for increased funding for local roads Assemblyman Angelino speaks at a press conference in support of increased CHIPS funding. (Submitted photo)

CHENANGO COUNTY – Recently, Assemblyman Joseph Angelino (R,C-Norwich) joined local officials at a press conference to strongly urge Gov. Hochul to reconsider her plan to cut $60 million from the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and to rally to increase funding to the program.

“Local roads are the essential lifeblood of state infrastructure, especially Upstate, and they must be prioritized in the budget. The majority of roads and bridges in our state are maintained by local authorities, yet they are underfunded. Knowing all this, Gov. Hochul, for unknown reasons, has decided to propose a massive cut to CHIPS, which would be disastrous. New York must do the right thing and increase investment into local roads and bridges, not make cuts,” said Angelino

Angelino also specified why increasing funding makes financial sense for the people of New York.

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“If we increase funding to these programs, we will be able to improve the lives of many in our state. Jobs will be created through maintenance and repair work on roads and bridges. If we do the repairs and construction now, costs will be less than if we wait, and most importantly, safety will be assured. We must make sure our roads and bridges are up to standards,” concluded Angelino.

Senator Peter Oberacker said, "Local roads and bridges, and the dedicated workers who maintain them, are vital to public safety and our economy. State support is critical to our local governments when making decisions on road and bridge maintenance and CHIPs funding is essential. While funds are being sent downstate to prop up the MTA we cannot neglect our upstate infrastructure.  An increase in CHIPs funding is a necessary investment that must be included in the state budget."

Town of Chenango Highway Superintendent Derin Kraack said, "We are here today to reject Governor Hochul's  cuts to critical state funding for local roads and bridges in the proposed 2024-2025 state budget.  The state needs to recognize the inflationary and aging infrastructure challenges faced by municipalities in constructing and maintaining roads and bridges. I am thankful to the group of local highway officials who are here today to advocate for critical CHIPS funding. I ask the Governor and the Legislative majorities to restore the proposed cuts and keep strengthening New York's commitment to local transportation infrastructure."

Town of Greene Supervisor, Bernie McDermott said, “The Town of Greene is Proud of the progress it has made improving our roads.  In 2024 32% of that money is anticipated from CHIPS.  NYS has developed these funding sources that municipalities  rely on, NYS needs to continue that commitment.”

Deputy Commissioner of Broome County Public Works Chet Kupiec said, “I am thankful to the group of local highway officials who are here today to advocate for funding that is spent directly on our roads and bridges.”

- Information from the Office of Joseph Angelino
