Oxford School District: Statewide Email Threat Had Highly Questionable Credibility
Published: October 20th, 2023

OXFORD – The Oxford School District released a statement after responding to a possible threat Wednesday morning triggered by a forwarded email:

“This morning (Wednesday) at approximately 9:30 am, the DCMO BOCES forwarded to its component districts a very vague and general email threat stating bombs have been placed in school districts across New York State.

“The email threat originated in Schenectady, NY which is geographically located near Albany. OXAC officials immediately cooperated with local law enforcement and proceeded to transact a comprehensive threat assessment protocol even though Oxford wasn't specifically named.

In very short order, the email was quickly determined to be of highly questionable credibility given the remote geographic origin and non-specific nature of the written threat. Further, in an abundance of caution, district security cameras were checked, and school administrators cooperated with local law enforcement officials to walk-through the elementary/high school and middle school buildings.

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This incident remains under investigation by law enforcement officials in the Albany area. We will keep you updated as more information is made available.

“As a reminder, our districts always operates in a lock-out state. This means that all doors are locked during the course of the school day to ensure the safety of all students and staff.

We remain vigilant as the safety of ours students and staff remains our top priority.”

-Information from Oxford Academy School District
