Learn To Crochet At The Chenango Arts Council
Published: January 17th, 2023
By: Sarah Genter

Learn to crochet at the Chenango Arts Council The Chenango Arts Council will be hosting a keyhole scarf crochet class from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, January 26, and a corner-to-corner afghan crochet class from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, February 23 in the Mariea Brown and Raymond Loft Galleries. All supplies and light refreshments will be provided. (Photo by Sarah Genter)

NORWICH — The Chenango Arts Council, located at 27 West Main Street in Norwich, will be hosting two more "Crochet in the Gallery" workshops in the Mariea Brown and Raymond Loft Galleries, where novice and skilled crocheters alike will learn to crochet projects perfect for the winter months.

From 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, January 26, local crafter Pat Horton will be teaching participants how to crochet their own keyhole scarf. From 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, February 23, participants can try their hand at crocheting a corner-to-corner afghan.

Horton is a skilled crocheter who has taught previous crochet classes at the Chenango Arts Council, as well as classes at the Guernsey Memorial Library during their free adult craft workshop series.

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Participation in the upcoming classes at the Chenango Arts Council are $17 per person. All supplies are provided, including yarn, hooks, and copies of the pattern. Light refreshments will also be provided.

To sign up, visit ChenangoArts.org or call the Chenango Arts Council at 607-336-2787.

Chenango Arts Council Administrative Assistant Mary Beth Miller said so far the crochet workshops have been a hit, and they're something they hope to continue hosting throughout the year.

"We’ve had a lot of people come and enjoy the workshops, and they all have fun. All the things that they make look really good," she said. "It’s something we’re going to keep going. People really like it, it’s a really fun class."

Crocheters of all skill levels are welcome to attend the class. Miller said Horton has worked with complete beginners, and will help those new to the craft get started on their projects. When class is over, participants are welcome to take their yarn, hook, and pattern home with them to finish up their scarves and blankets.

In addition to the crochet classes, the Chenango Arts Council has several other fun and creative programs lined up for the coming months.

"We’re going to, in the spring, have a drawing class that will be taught by Carl Hoton. We’re going to get that set up for spring, for when the weather’s a little nicer. And we’re going to have a paint and sip style class. We’re just picking out a picture for that, and that will go up live very soon," said Miller.

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On February 18, The Downtown Men will be performing in the Martin W. Kappel Theater as part of the Chenango Arts Council's performance season. The show begins at 7 p.m., and tickets can be purchased at ChenangoArts.org or by calling the Arts Council at 607-336-2787.

"That’s a tribute to Billie Joel, so all of Billie Joel’s greatest hits are going to be performed. They’re a great group so we’re really excited about that," Miller said.

In a partnership with Guernsey Memorial Library, the Arts Council will also be hosting another free movie series in the Martin W. Kappel Theater at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. The theme for the February series is famous duos.

The Arts Council will be showing "The Kid" on January 1, "Made for Each Other" on February 8, "Road to Morocco" on February 15, and "Rocky" on February 22. The movies are free to attend, registration is not required, and free popcorn will be provided.

Lastly, the Chenango Arts Council's Member Show is still available for viewing until February 3, with new gallery shows beginning in the spring. The gallery is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For more information on the Chenango Arts Council and their upcoming programs, visit ChenangoArts.org or the Chenango Arts Council Facebook page.
