Norwich Garden Club Selects New Officers
Published: November 11th, 2022
By: Sarah Genter

Norwich Garden Club selects new officers The Norwich Garden Club appointed their officers for the 2023 season at their final meeting of the year. Pictured is Secretary Debbie Wheeler, Second Vice President Rohimah Sarpin, President Della Ericksen, First Vice President Jane Coddington, and Treasurer Jean Hayes. (Photo by Sarah Genter)

NORWICH ― The Norwich Garden Club, a local organization that aims to beautify the area and engage in civic activities, met Thursday, November 10 for their final meeting of the season, where they appointed new officers for the 2023 season.

Della Ericksen was selected for her second term as President, Jane Coddington was selected as First Vice President, Rohimah Sarpin was chosen as Second Vice President, Debbie Wheeler was appointed Secretary, and Jean Hayes was chosen as Treasurer.

Garden Club officers may serve two consecutive terms before taking a break from the position for at least one term. Term lengths for president and vice presidents are one year, and secretary and treasurer terms last for two years.

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Now the club is gearing up for their next meeting in early 2023, where they will plan out meetings and activities for the 2023 season.

“We try to do that in the very first part of the year so we have time to get our booklet printed up. It’s a small booklet, it tells each month what the plans are for the meeting, and where it’s going to be, and who’s on the committees for refreshments and so on for that,” said Ericksen. “We try to have some on horticulture, some are education, some are just workshops for making things, like we did cement vases and the pressed flowers this year.”

The Norwich Garden Club is always seeking new members. Those interested in joining can call Ericksen at 607-334-7404, or Treasurer Jean Hayes at 561-758-3696.

More information on the Norwich Garden Club can be found on the Norwich Garden Club, NY Facebook page.
