Bainbridge Legion Placing Grave Markers And Flags For Memorial Day
Published: May 11th, 2022

BAINBRIDGE — During May 2022, The American Legion, Slater-Silvernail Post 806 in Bainbridge will be placing grave markers and flags on the graves of veterans resting in the following locations: Greenlawn Cemetery, Bennettsville Cemetery, St. Peter’s Churchyard Cemetery, West Bainbridge Rural Cemetery, Bush Cemetery, Presbyterian Cemetery, Prince Cemetery.

Do you have a relative or friend, who is a veteran of military service in the United States Armed Forces resting in one of the above cemeteries? Would you like a grave marker and flag to honor their service to our country placed by their gravestone?

If so, please call The American Legion representative at 607-967-8171 with the following information: Veterans’ name, dates of active military service, cemetery where they are located, and the grave site number.

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Post 806 will make every effort to see a marker and flag is placed on the grave this year and in years to come. We currently place over 500 flags each Memorial Day, and we thank all of the volunteers for their help in this annual honor to our departed Veterans.

Also, if you display flags for Memorial Day, Post 806 sells good quality 3 by 5 foot American Flags. The sale of United States flags is one of our fundraisers, so buying a flag from our American Legion Post benefits the community. You can also contact The American Legion representative if you'd like to purchase a new flag.

-Information provided by The American Legion Post 806
