Norwich-Oxford Little League Push Opening Day To Sunday
Published: April 21st, 2022
By: Morgan Golliver

Norwich-Oxford Little League Push Opening Day To Sunday

NORWICH – According to President Dave Mack of the Norwich-Oxford Little League, opening day will be pushed to Sunday, April 24. Before the snow storm that Chenango County had on Monday until Tuesday, the parade and games were going to be on Saturday April 23.

“After looking at the fields in Norwich today and in respecting those that have been without power for a few days and maybe longer to come in some spots, I am going to push any games that we might be able to play to Sunday and anything we can't get in will have to be rescheduled,” Mack said in an email. “We may also play games where you normally wouldn't play your games or we may move location of game to make sure we don't lose out on this many games and have to make more up.”

Mack also wrote that the storm badly damaged areas on the field.

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“If you have driven by the batting cage in Norwich, it was badly damaged in the storm. With much heavier snow, the weight bent four of the upright poles and actually pulled the concrete blocks that hold the tension cables in the ground completely out,” Mack said. “It will be taped off but is not usable at this time. We will work to get this fixed as soon as we can.”

Mack advises parents and coaches to keep checking emails for more updates.
