Sen. Akshar And Oberacker Continue Push To Suspend NY Gas Tax Following Down Vote
Published: March 10th, 2022

Sen. Akshar and Oberacker continue push to suspend NY gas tax following down vote State Senator Peter Oberacker speaking on the senate floort earlier this week. (Submitted photo)

ALBANY – State Senator Peter Oberacker (R/C – Schenevus) yesterday announced continued his push to bring direct and immediate relief to New Yorkers by advancing an amendment that would suspend the state gas tax. 

The measure was voted down on the senate floor along party lines with all Republicans voting in favor of the amendment and all Democrats voting no.

  “New Yorkers are dealing with record gas prices at a time when inflation has hit a 40 year high.  Suspending the gas tax is a simple, straightforward proposal that will help everyone who drives to work, to pick up groceries, or to take their kids to school.  Putting a hold on the gas tax will also help our economy – manufacturers, the tourism industry, and especially our family farms,”  said Senator Peter Oberacker.

  Earlier this week Sen. Oberacker and Senator Fred Akshar introduced the  New York Gas Tax Relief Act  (S.8483)  which would suspend the state gas tax until September 1, 2022. The bill would also  ensure that when gas tax collections resume, the funds are directed to the state’s Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund, where they belong.

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“Families and small businesses are struggling like never before with unprecedented cost increases in nearly every facet of their lives, especially at the gas pump,” said Senator Fred Akshar. “While our leaders in Albany and Washington seem more interested in pleasing their political interests than easing the burdens on everyday New Yorkers, this legislation puts our people’s economic survival first.”

“Driving to work, the grocery store, the doctor, or to pick up the kids from any number of locations is a reality of life where we live,” said Oberacker. “Higher gasoline costs are a constant budget burden and the price at the pump is on the rise again due to a number of factors. Fortunately, Albany has the ability to offer immediate relief by suspending the state gas tax.”

In the past year alone, average gas prices in the state have gone up by more than a dollar-per-gallon, or an estimated 43 percent increase and experts are predicting additional increases in the short term.

“Rising prices at the pump hurt our small businesses and lead to across the board cost increases for consumers. Inflation is at a 40-year high and action is needed to help businesses and consumers alike as we work to recover from the COVID pandemic. Suspending the gas tax is one tangible step that will benefit to everyone across the state,” added Oberacker.


A recent report from New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli highlighted the fact that just 17 cents of each dollar in the state’s Dedicated Highway Bridge and Trust Fund goes toward capital projects.  Similar reports from the comptroller were issued in 2009 and 2014.


“People lose faith in politicians when they look the other way and allow the misuse of funds to continue year after year.  Empty promises, plain and simple.  It is time for Albany to own up to the public and correct these abuses,”  added Oberacker.


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Additionally, Senator Oberacker, reaffirmed his opposition to a proposed 55-cent per gallon gas tax increase.


“At a time when our governor is promoting a budget proposal that includes record spending and a $10 billion surplus, the state should not be profiting on the backs of consumers,”  concluded Senator Oberacker

– From the Office of Senator Peter Oberacker
