What Macabre Entertainmant
Published: May 18th, 2009
By: Tom Morgan

What macabre entertainmant

What macabre entertainment it has been to watch Nancy Pelosi squirm.  Every time a reporter asks her what she knew about the waterboarding she blinks furiously.  And outs with yet another version of her story.

Like many folks and critters who are cornered, she went on the attack a few days ago.  She blamed Bush, of course.  If accusations weighed an ounce he would be flattened by now with a ton of them. 

She blamed him for misleading Congress about weapons of mass destruction.  Maybe she sees a connection between this and waterboarding.  Most folks do not. She also attacked the CIA. Claimed CIA guys misled Congress.

Most folks reckon they know a lie and liar when they see and hear one. One of the tipoffs is when they parse words, split hairs, change their recollections.  She was in Parse City last week.  Said she was not “briefed”, only “informed”.

Madame Pelosi is in good company in Washington.  And she certainly keeps up a grand tradition.  You could situate a confessional on every street corner in that town and never run out of customers.

It is hard to catch Joe Biden in a truth. Everything he says seems to be a concoction.  Like the story about the diner in Baltimore he goes to that has been out of business for years.


The Evening Sun

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