A Case For Bloomberg
Published: June 9th, 2015
By: Tom Morgan

Here is an intriguing trial balloon some Democrats floated recently. Bloomy. More than one report claims he is considering a run for the Democratic nod.

If he ran we would experience a mini-hurricane. From the Whews! and sighs of millions of Democrats. These are the Dems to their bones who will vote for Hillary even if she lands in prison. And who fear she might. Or who know in their heart she belongs there. They are the faithful who admit in a whisper the Clinton campaign buttons should read “For Sale.”

Such folks yearn to see any Democrat in the White House. But wish it could be one more honest than Hillary. One whose ethical baggage fits in a valise rather than a fleet of garbage trucks.

Bloomy could fit the bill. His resume is a particularly good one for our times.

First, polls say a lot of us are fed up with both parties. He seems to be too. He was a registered Democrat. He ran as a Republican. Then he ran as an independent. He won big time in a city which is nearly 70 percent Democrat.

As an entrepreneur he is brilliant. From a modest starting point he built a giant business. His business and investment judgment has made him 13th wealthiest man on earth. A lot of voters would like to see a President who started and ran a business. And who obviously knows something about sensible economics.

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He balanced budgets in the Big Apple. No mean feat. The city ran $6 billion in the red when he arrived. And $3 billion in the black when he left.

He runs liberal on many social and environmental issues. He runs conservative on budgets and foreign policy. For our times that is not a bad position for a leader.

We live in an era of disgusting corruption in government. Too many politicians sell out. For big bucks from special interests. Or they extort money from them in return for favors.

Bloomy has been above that. At least we’ve caught very few whiffs of scandal from his 12 years in office. He can afford to decide issues on merit instead of bribes. Because he is worth $36 billion.

He took a salary of only $1. Remained listed in the city phone book. Lived in his own home rather than Gracie Mansion. Rode the subway to work every day. Sure, he was elsewhere chauffeured and helicoptered in luxurious fashion. But taking the subway to work every day says volumes about the guy. One of those volumes is his common sense. Subways are faster than cars in Manhattan.

His generosity knows no bounds. He has given away more than $2 billion. Much of it anonymously. He says his plan is to give away every dollar.

In short, he has a lot of qualities that appeal to many voters. His qualities stand in stark contrast to Hillary’s. And he is the only politician who could pay for a challenge to her. Other candidates would need to beg for millions. And make the promises that begging for money requires.

Bloomy can declare “Game’s on!” and write a check for a billion to fund it. And still be able to write one for $2 billion for the election itself.

Meanwhile, Bloomy has no Hollywood glam. He does not create and campaign within a circus. This could work against him for sure. But Hillary has seen her own wings clipped. She avoids open Q&A with reporters and honest interviewers. Because she has no plausible answers for the sleazy sludgy stuff that haunts her.

I suspect many a Democrat would love to see Bloomy run. And further suspect the Clintons would quake in their boots if he did.

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From Tom...as in Morgan.
