Down On The Farm: City Passes Animal Ordinance
Published: January 22nd, 2009
By: Jessica Lewis

NORWICH – The days of owning farm animals within the Norwich City limits are gone. After passing a resolution to amend the city charter on Tuesday night, residents in the City of Norwich will no longer be able to keep farm animals.

The council and the City Code Enforcement Office has been working on the ordinance since it was first brought up by Fifth Ward Alderman Paul Laughlin nearly a year ago. Laughlin, a resident of Sheldon Street, said he’d received several complaints from Ward Five residents about a Sheldon Street property where animals were being kept. Since Laughlin first brought the issue to the council’s attention, the residence has reportedly housed cows, sheep, goats and a flock of chickens.

During a public hearing held on the ordinance Tuesday night, the council heard no comments for or against the matter; however, community members have addressed the council in favor of the ordinance in the past. “Nobody contested [the ordinance] during the public hearing,” Laughlin said after the meeting. He explained that some Sheldon Street residents were present in case they needed to voice their support of the ordinance, but felt it was unnecessary given the lack of opposition.

The amendment to the city charter states that it is made “to prevent nuisances and generally to protect the health, welfare and well being of the public.”


The Evening Sun

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