If You Want To Go To Heaven, You’ve Got Raise A Little Hell
Published: July 12th, 2007
By: Michael McGuire

If you want to go to heaven, you’ve got raise a little hell

There was a topic recently on the evesun.com forum questioning whether or not there should be mandated curfews for kids.

I think so.

When I was a budding youngster, kids had to take an active role in their development. That often meant getting in trouble. Because in the mid-1990s video games hadn’t replaced real adventures and computers were still for nerds. Nope, we were outdoor kiddies who learned from the school of hard knocks (and run when the porch lights come on). And curfews – especially when you break them in the formative years – were good learning tools for those who wished to one day be street smart.

If there weren’t any when I was a teenager, my friends and I would have rammed around town day and night without a care in the world, probably causing all sorts of senseless trouble. What would that have taught us? Nothing. Instead – fearing the consequences from police and parents, but born with hot sauce in our shorts – we had to raise hell consciously. That, people, teaches discipline (which is what keeps most of us from acting like the selfish, rotten and evil creatures that we really are).


The Evening Sun

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