Chenango SPCA: Can We Afford Not To Grow?
Published: May 9th, 2024

by Patrick McLaughlin,

Chenango SPCA

Executive Director

CHENANGO COUNTY – Many of you received our Spring Appeal in the mail. In case you didn't, I would like to share its message with you.

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While I wrote this  before  the animal seizure that happened last week in New Berlin, that event has made its call to help us grow even  more urgent. While we were glad to help out at the farm in New Berlin, that day made it abundantly clear that there are resources and capabilities we simply  do not  have right now. There is only one way that can change. We simply  have  to grow:

Spring is a season of growth, and growth is an amazing thing. Tiny seeds can become towering trees, and little kittens and puppies can become grown cats and dogs.

Organizations like the Chenango SPCA can grow, too. What would it look like for  us  to grow?

A growing Chenango SPCA would be able to offer  new services, like a trap-neuter-return program for stray and community cats, behavior training, or vaccine and microchip clinics for the community.

Growth would also mean helping  more  animals. The main way to do that is by decreasing how long each animal stays at our shelter. This makes it possible for us to help more animals with the same amount of space. In 2023, our length of stay dropped by  eight days—nearly 12%!

Finally, growing would mean providing more  complete care  for all the animals we house. More adoptions and shorter stays mean fewer animals each day, even if we help  more  over the year. That would give us more one-on-one time with each animal.

What would it take to achieve this kind of growth? Everything that grows needs  care. Plants and animals need food, water, and plenty of sunshine. Organizations like the Chenango SPCA need different resources, but the idea is the same:

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We need the  right facility  and equipment to provide all the programs we want to offer.

We need a large enough  team, working enough hours, to accomplish all our goals. We also need to make sure that they’re paid fairly, receive benefits, and enjoy a comfortable workplace.

Those resources would be hard for you to give, but there’s an  easier way:  Supporters like you can help us get the resources we need by making a generous gift! Will  you  help us grow?

Visit and select “Donate Today” to help us grow!
